Dan Grading Resource
Information Page
Shodan Requirements
Below you'll find several videos of sequences listed in the Shodan Curriculum. This compilation excludes katas. For shodan katas please refer to the "Karate Curriculum Videos" for Shodan katas. Also, scroll to the bottom of this page to see the 3 day test schedule.
Nidan Requirements
Below you'll two sets of videos for the 2nd dan curriculum.
The first is the kihon sets/sequences. The second is the Nidan katas.
Also, scroll to the bottom of this page to see the 3 day dan testing schedule.
Kihon Sequences
Nidan Kata
These are all Shitokai versions which are 95% - 98% similar to our version, Seiken Shudo Kai.
Essay Requirements
Kacper, one 1500 word essay from the choices below;
1) Karate beyond technique.***
2) Differences between sport karate and traditional karate.**
3) Origins and differences between the 4 main styles of Japanese karate.**
David, either one 2000 word essay or two 1000 word essays. Choice below.
1) Ancient karate, tranditional & sport karate (2000)****
The differences in technique, practice and philosophy.
a) The Physics of Karate (1000 words)**
b) Do vs Jutsu (1000 words)**
Words stipulated are the MINIMUM. Please do not exceed by 200 words.
Essays must be typed and emailed to jikandojo@hotmail.co.uk by Friday 1st December 2017.
Test Schedule
Dan Grading Schedule
Grading assessments will be done in 3 parts.
Each part/day must be passed in order to progress to the next.
* Proposed dates (most likely)
DAY 1 - Fitness [Private]
*Sun 10 Dec
Run, Press-ups, Squat Kicks & Sit-ups
Submit essay FINAL EDIT.
DAY 2 - Fitness & Basic Technical [Private]
*Thurs 14 Dec
Kihon Sequences & Basic Kata
Kushin Undo & Weighted Sanchin
Break Test - Tameshi wari
*Fitness Retest (if necessary).
Kumite - Strategy
DAY 3 - Final Assessment [Full Group]
*Sat 16 Dec
Coaching Practical - Warm ups, games, grading kihon, kumite refereeing.
Advanced Kata + Bunkai + Nage Waza & Kansetsu Waza
*Breaking Re-test (if necessary)
Kumite - Freefighting
2) All ranges + nage waza